Though tiny, a hummingbird is packed full of symbolic meaning. The sight of a dead hummingbird is not something to be alarmed by, it is a sign that change and renewal is coming your way.
Whether this is though commitment, love, rest or letting go of past mistakes, the dead hummingbird is a beautiful and powerful symbol.
If you see a dead hummingbird in your dream, it could be a loved one sending a message, or your inner spirit animal pushing you to make a decision that will better your life.

What does a Dead Hummingbird Symbolize? (Summary Table)
# | Dead Hummingbird Symbolism | Meaning |
1. | Commitment | A symbol of being ready for fully committing to a partner or a project. |
2. | Love | A reminder to stop and take pleasures in life’s love and the ability to feel and spread love to those around you. |
3. | Change and Renewal | If you see a dead hummingbird it can be a positive message that change is on its way. |
4. | Rest | If you are visited by a hummingbird, dead or alive, it can be a symbol that the worst is over, or about to be over. |
5. | Mistakes and Regret | You may be holding on to past mistakes or harboring a lot of regret for things you cannot change. |
Symbolism of a Dead Hummingbird – Detailed Explanations

1. Commitment
If you see a dead hummingbird, you do not need to panic. This could simply symbolize growth in yourself or your relationship.
The dead hummingbird is commonly considered to symbolize being ready for fully committing to a partner or a project.
If you have been on the fence about whether to give up single life, or take the plunge in a new career, seeing a dead hummingbird could be the answer.
It is widely considered that dreaming of a flying hummingbird could symbolize trying to run away from commitment or a relationship, so seeing one still, peaceful and dead symbolizes that you are now ready to jump in and commit wholeheartedly.
This does not only apply to work or romantic partnerships, it could also be commitment to a project, to a health regime, to a new home or any other thing you have been unsure on giving your all to.
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Related Article: Green Hummingbird Spiritual Meaning and Symbolism
2. Love
A hummingbird is a beautiful creature, which is small and delicate. It also symbolizes love. This love is not targeted strictly to romantic love for a partner. This could mean love for yourself, love for your career, family, friends, or season of life.
The dead hummingbird serves as a reminder to stop and take pleasures in life’s love and the ability to feel and spread love to those around you.
The image of a dead hummingbird is often confronting, however for centuries it has been considered a beautiful sight, and one that is quite sacred. The hummingbird is a symbol of light and love, both in life and in death.
Related Article: Black Chicken Spiritual Meaning and Symbolism
3. Change and Renewal
If you see a dead hummingbird it can be a positive message that change is on its way.
The pain felt when seeing a dead hummingbird is symbolic of the discomfort needed before change and rebirth can occur.
It shows that nothing is forever, and symbolizes the relationship between birth, growth and death. This doesn’t necessarily mean death in the literal sense. It symbolizes the death of a phase of life, a relationship or a state of mind.
If you see a dead hummingbird, it could also be a sign that you need to change and to evolve.
If you have been feeling uncertain or confused, it would be a great time to do some meditation or journaling and connect with yourself to understand what it is that needs to change or grow.
The dead hummingbird symbolizes to us that life does not last forever, and we must act and make the necessary changes and manifestations in order to live to our full potential and happiness.
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4. Rest
If you are visited by a hummingbird, dead or alive, it is a symbol and reminder that the worst is over, or about to be over.
If you are struggling with grief it is a sign that your loved one is near and watching over you. If you are holding onto regret and self hatred it is a sign to let go of those feelings.
By seeing a hummingbird, it is a reminder to rest. To allow yourself to take time to be calm and still in order to understand what your full potential for this life is. A hummingbird is a symbol that it is okay to stop for a moment and allow yourself to come to terms with whatever grief or stress is present in your life.
By allowing yourself to rest and be calm, the hummingbird shows you that you can live a happier and more balanced life, taking the time to enjoy life’s small pleasures and beauties.
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5. Mistakes and Regret
If you see a dead hummingbird, whether in real life or in a dream it can be a symbol of regret.
You may be holding on to past mistakes or harboring a lot of regret for things you cannot change. Whilst it is important to acknowledge past mistakes, it is not healthy or productive to hold on to regret forever.
If you see a dead hummingbird and you are struggling with regret and self-criticism, take the time to accept the mistakes happened, make note of what you can learn from the situation and make necessary amendments.
If you apologize, right any wrongs and take accountability you make be able to let go of that pent up regret.
The dead hummingbird reminds us as a symbol to not get caught up on regret and guilt that holds us back from reaching our happiest potential.
Dreams About Dead Hummingbirds

Unlike many other animals, if you see a hummingbird in your dream, you will likely know exactly why when you wake up.
A hummingbird is known to be clear in its message, pushing or prompting the individual to make the changes or act as needed.
It is widely considered that hummingbirds are sent from deceased loved ones or ancestors, to show you a sign that they are there and guiding you. Many people report feeling that a hummingbird was a spirit guide or guidance figure encouraging them to make the right choices.
If you feel that a deceased loved one has shown themselves to you in the form of a hummingbird, you could be correct. A hummingbird is a beautiful, calming animal which many believe to have supernatural capabilities.
Interpreting Symbolism

Before I close, it’s important to provide a note on interpreting symbols. Whether it’s in a dream or a sighting while on a hike, symbolism is deeply personal and subjective. It’s hard to always accurately interpret what the sign means for anyone because there are so many possible interpretations.
Furthermore, sometimes something isn’t a symbol at all – it’s just coincidence.
For me, I keep an open mind to multiple different interpretations. I reflect on which message is the one I need from the universe right now. That doesn’t mean to take the message I want, but to take one that’s relevant to my life (which is often a hard truth!). While this one to me is the most likely, it’s not always correct.
So, keep an open mind and remember that interpreting symbolism is hugely subjective and personal.

A dead hummingbird is not something which should cause distress, instead it should serve as a beautiful reminder that life is not forever, and you must take action to improve your life. The hummingbird is a sign that your happiness is in your own hands, and you must let go of regret, grief, guilt or fear in order to unlock that potential.

I’m Chris and I run this website – a resource about symbolism, metaphors, idioms, and a whole lot more! Thanks for dropping by.