Onions symbolize protection, memories, jealousy, envy, divine healing, and mood swings.
Some people believe that dreaming of onions has symbolic and spiritual meaning. If you dream about eating an onion, it may be that your subconscious is encouraging you to keep working on your difficult projects. Similarly, a dream about cooked onions can show that you’re making progress in business and financial pursuits.
A dream about having onion breath is believed to indicates that you are a healthy person, are going to experience good fortune, and may even run into a lot of money.

Onions Symbolism and Spiritual Meanings
1. Divine Healing
Onions are a symbol of a positivity and healing.
Onions were consumed by ancient athletes to boost their stamina and endurance, a habit that Roman soldiers eventually adopted while marching across Europe.
Onions were useful for treating ailments like dysentery as well as relieving tooth pain and promoting sleep. Even in the Medieval Era, onions were considered a valuable medicinal plant for treating headaches and preventing hair loss.
2. Protection
The onion has a protective symbolism. They are thought to ward off evil spirits, sickness, and even serpents.
While in modern times people may scoff, the onion’s metaphorical meaning has deep connections to the idea of protectiveness.
Onions, like their relative, garlic, are antibacterial and have excellent antiseptic properties.
The onion’s pungent smell, which puts many food lovers off, simply contributes to this sense that they may ward off spirits.
3. Complexity
‘Complexity’ means that something has many features and elements to it. An onion is emblematic of this.
For example, people say “an onion has layers” that can be peeled back one by one. Each time you peel a layer, you find another underneath. This has become seen as a metaphor.
Famously, Shrek (from the film Shrek) states: “Ogres are like onions. They have layers.” Here, he meant that he (the ogre) was a complex person. It takes time to get to know him and “peel back the layers” of his personality.
4. Current Problems
Some believe that dreaming of an onion means you’ll have to deal with a difficult problem.
Unfortunately it’s not easy to say what that problem may be. It may indicate that misfortune is coming your way, or that you have a difficult essay to write for school.
You may have to put off long-term goals and commitments that you had hoped to complete to focus on the problems in front of you right now. Be calm and positive even though it’s hard to accept the new situation at first.
5. Emotions and Mood Swings
Onions represent multiple emotions and mood swings. The emotions we experience are similar to the layers of onion skin. When one layer is peeled back, another may be seen beneath it.
Similarly, to how you get wet eyes when you chop an onion, even if you are in a pleasant and happy mood, if you dream of cutting an onion, it may mean you are experiencing a variety of various emotions and moods in your everyday moments.
When something positive happens in your life, you may be excited about it at the time, but you may get disinterested in it the next instant. Try meditating and bringing your thoughts back into balance.
Furthermore, onions have the ability to make you cry. You could have some painful recollections from your past that bring tears to your eyes. It is acceptable to recall those recollections from time to time, but refrain from succumbing to them.
6. Jealousy and Envy
Onions can also be a symbol of jealousy, resentment, and envy.
Seeing someone else cut onions a lot is a sign of jealously and resentment. Someone in your friends circle has accomplished all you’ve wished for.
Someone else may be in a position to get the career of your dreams or the relationship of your dreams. You may be envious of them.
On the other hand, an onion-cutting incident in a dream that leaves you in tears could indicate that someone else is envious of you. Journal and mediate to find the true meaning.
Onion Dream Meanings
Some people believe that dreaming of onions has symbolic and spiritual meaning. It’s hard to interpret dream symbolism. So, the below are subjective examples only, and may not be right for your situation.
As noted above, meditate and journal on the situation to try to find the correct meaning for yourself.
Onion Dream | Meaning |
Someone handing you onions | This may be a sign that you are acquiring the ability to succeed. |
You are planting onions | This may indicate that you are attempting to make your adversaries’ environment uncomfortable. |
Growing onions in a field | This could denote financial stability and the ability to fulfill your goals. |
The fragrance of an onion | Some folklore states that the fragrance of onions brings curses onto a person. |
You are eating an onion | This may be that your subconscious is encouraging you to keep working on your difficult projects. |
A dream about cooked onions | This can show that you’re making progress in business and financial pursuits. |
A dream about having onion breath | This could indicate that you are a healthy person, are going to experience good fortune, and may even run into a lot of money. |
Related Fruit and Food Symbolism Articles:
The onion is a sign of heavenly healing and protection from evil. An onion also indicates that your issues have numerous layers, some of which may stem from childhood events. If you dream about eating an onion, you may overcome current challenges. Bad breath after eating onions signals good health.
Onions can also signify frustration, an upset caused by jealousy or contempt, and a sense of envy of others.
Symbolism is incredibly subjective, so you need to make up your own meanings. Journal and mediate on what you think onions may symbolize to you!

I’m Chris and I run this website – a resource about symbolism, metaphors, idioms, and a whole lot more! Thanks for dropping by.