In an argument between Cancer and Gemini things can quickly become very ugly. Cancer is a cardinal water sign so they are direct and sensitive. Gemini is a mutable air sign so they are very quick to defend themselves and debate the other party in an argument.
Gemini is a very smart opponent in a fight as they value their intellect more than their feelings. They are rational and they are quick thinkers. Cancer is a very emotional sign that relies on their heart and can get easily hurt during a fight due to their sensitivity.

Cancer vs Gemini Personalities
Cancer Personality and Fighting Style
Cancer is ruled by the Moon, which makes them emotional and expressive of their feelings.
They can be quite moody, so different situations and people may bring out a different side of them. They can be kind and compassionate with one person and bitter and pessimistic with another.
They are easily hurt so when someone says something they don’t like, they are likely to hide and avoid that person for a long time.
They don’t seek conflict and can be quite fearful of it. They are likely to get into an argument when someone has hurt or offended someone they love. They are protective of the people close to them.
In fights they can be quite emotional and uncontrollable. They are likely to say a lot of things, even if they later regret them. They can be primal because of their emotions which can give them a disadvantage in an argument.
Related Article: Leo vs Cancer Fight
GeminiPersonality and Fighting Style
Gemini is a mutable air sign so they are quick thinkers. They easily change their mind and they value rationality above all else.
They have a very curious nature and they can be agreeable. They change their mind often so they are unlikely to hold onto a mindset or a specific idea for a long period of time.
Gemini is ruled by Mercury the planet of communication. Gemini is a smart sign that does very well in arguments due to their ability to observe and communicate their thoughts to others.
People can rarely outsmart them in a conflict. They can be impatient but they aren’t impulsive and they do not act on their emotions.
In arguments they can be cool and collected. They easily find out their opponent’s weakness and they manage to attack it with ease.
Related Article: Leo vs Gemini Fight
Cancer vs Gemini Fight: How They Argue
Cancer and Gemini are very different from each other so conflict between the two is inevitable.
While Cancer has a very emotional nature and is quite sensitive, Gemini can be very detached from their emotions. In arguments they are rational and collected. They are observant of their opponent and their weaknesses.
An argument between the two can get very ugly. Cancer may become impulsive and irrational. They attack once they feel defeated. This can be great for Gemini as it will allow them to find out Cancer’s weakness and use that to their advantage.
Gemini may verbally attack Cancer and Cancer will try their best to defend themselves. Cancer may become quickly hurt due to Gemini’s cold attitude and their style of communication. Cancer will have a very hard time staying calm.
Related Article: Libra vs Cancer Fight
How to Handle Cancer when they’re Angry
When Cancer is angry their emotions will be uncontrollable. They may yell and cry, do anything in order to express their feelings.
Cancer is quite irrational when they are hurt, so don’t expect them to act in a calm manner or stay patient with you. They are likely to say a lot of things they do not mean and will end up regretting.
In order to deal with an angry Cancer, you must wait for them to express all of their feelings they try to provide them with reassurance and comfort.
They are likely to seek forgiveness immediately after an argument and will do anything to fix the damage they have done. Don’t take their words too seriously and wait until they have calmed down.
How to Handle Gemini when they’re Angry
Gemini is a mutable air sign so they can become angry or irritated very quickly, but they are likely to move on just as fast. They aren’t the type to hold onto grudges and they aren’t emotionally affected by conflict.
Gemini is ruled by Mercury so they are very smart when they get in a fight. They know how to defend themselves in an argument and can quickly figure out their opponent’s weakness.
In order to handle Gemini in an argument one must stay very calm and should try to hide their emotions in order to avoid giving Gemini reasons to attack them. Gemini is an opponent that is hard to handle in an argument due to their smart nature and good ability to communicate.
Cancer and Gemini Love Relationship Compatibility
Cancer and Gemini share very different values in love, but they can be easily drawn to each other because of their differences.
Cancer values the emotional connection in a relationship while Gemini values the intellectual one. Cancer seeks emotional understanding and nurture in love, which can be overwhelming for the Gemini which can have trouble expressing their needs and emotions.
Gemini seeks a curious and open-minded partner and Cancer may not feel the right one for them due to their inability to go out of their zone of comfort and try new things.
A relationship between the two will require a lot of compromise, especially in the long-run. They can have a lot of fun together and can help each other discover a new side of themselves but maintaining a long-term relationship can be hard.
Cancer and Gemini Friendship Compatibility
In a friendship between the two both have to put in a lot of effort in order to satisfy the other person. Cancer is a water sign so they require a lot of support and reassurance, while Gemini needs excitement and adventure in a friendship.
Cancer may help Gemini become more tuned in with their emotional side. They can teach them valuable lessons related to their emotional expression. Gemini on the other hand will help Cancer try new things and go out of their comfort zone.
The two can have a lot of fun together but conflict in their relationship is bound to happen sooner or later. They can have very different approaches to life which will prevent them from having a lasting connection unless they put in a lot of work.
Cancer and Gemini are vastly different from each other. While Gemini is an intellectual air sign ruled by Mercury, Cancer is a sensitive water sign ruled by the Moon. In both friendships and romantic relationships the two can have very different needs so a lot of compromises will be required.
In an argument between the two, Gemini can be very smart and observant, while Cancer can be uncontrollable and mean. The two can have difficulty defending themselves, but Gemini can be a lot more rational.
Cancer may find it hard to hide their feelings which will allow Gemini to take advantage of that. Gemini can be very smart and direct in arguments. In a debate they will be difficult to beat. An argument between the two of them is more likely to be won by Gemini due to their intellect and rationality. They can provoke Cancer and bring out the worst side of them. They can destroy them with their words and Cancer will feel defenseless.

I’m Chris and I run this website – a resource about symbolism, metaphors, idioms, and a whole lot more! Thanks for dropping by.