Food Symbolism

Grapefruit Symbolism and Dream Meanings (Self-Love and Restoration)

A grapefruit is similar to an orange but the taste of grapefruit is more bitter. While grapefruits are an acquired taste, they have some deep symbolic meanings in many cultures around the world. Typically, a grapefruit will symbolize self-love, spirituality, and restoration. Along with that, there are several other positive meanings and symbolism associated with …

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Watermelon Symbolism and Dream Meanings (Health and Fertility)

Watermelons and summers are synonymous. Many of us have sweet memories eating watermelons on a hot summer’s day. But the fruit has more bearings beyond summer joy. It also symbolizes health, fertility, and intellect. The watermelon is a popular fruit belonging to the cucurbits family. For context, squash and cucumbers are also from the same …

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Tomato Symbolism and Dream Meanings (Love and Versatility)

Tomatoes are essential ingredients in cooking. From east to west, people extensively use tomatoes in cooking. The fact they’re so widely used in cooking has influenced their symbolic meanings. Today, tomatoes usually symbolize love, versatility, and fertility. Seeing a tomato in your dreams can tell you a lot about your current state of mind and …

Tomato Symbolism and Dream Meanings (Love and Versatility) Read More »

Peach Fruit Meaning and Symbolism (Immortality and Happiness)

The peach is a unique fruit. With its distinctive shape and delicate nature, it is considered a delicacy in many cultures. The Chinese culture, in particular, has deep symbolic associations with peach. It can symbolize immortality, sexuality, and happiness. Peaches are very delicate and have a very rich taste. Because of their delicate nature, they …

Peach Fruit Meaning and Symbolism (Immortality and Happiness) Read More »